Call for Papers – Special Issue on “Teacher Education and Social Studies” (JSSEA Volume 14)

Teacher Education and Social Studies


Hiromi Kawaguchi (Hiroshima University, Japan) and Hiroaki Sakaue(Chiba University, Japan)

The Journal of Social Studies Education in Asia is proud to announce a Special Issue on Teacher Education and Social Studies (JSSEA Volume 14). We invite you, our esteemed readers, to contribute to this significant issue through this Call for Papers!

The rapid and profound social changes have brought about significant transformations in the demands placed on social studies education. As societies face increasing diversity and complexity, the role of social studies teachers in fostering democratic citizenship has never been more crucial (Martell, 2017). This pressing need underscores the importance of preparing social studies educators with a broad array of competencies, such as capability, culturally responsive pedagogy (Sleeter, 2001), and global citizenship education (Davies, 2006) . Accordingly, social studies teacher educators are tasked with cultivating these diverse attributes among future teachers to meet the evolving needs of their communities.

At the same time, teacher education operates within the tension between aspirational ideals and institutional constraints (Adler, 2006). Educators in various contexts navigate these challenges autonomously, balancing systemic expectations with the practicalities of implementing transformative pedagogies.

This special issue invites educators to examine the shifting landscape of social studies teacher education in response to these social changes. We aim to explore the following central questions:

-What new competencies are required of social studies teachers in/beyond Asia to address the challenges and opportunities of social transformation? How have these demands evolved?

-In what ways are teacher educators preparing future social studies teachers to meet these demands? What innovative pedagogical approaches are being employed?

-What are the prevailing research themes and methodologies in social studies teacher education across national contexts? How do these reflect or shape broader trends in the field?

-Beyond the preparation of social studies teachers, how are social studies teacher educators being trained and supported? What unique challenges and opportunities arise in this area?  

We encourage submissions that engage with these themes through empirical research, theoretical analysis, case studies, and good practice. Papers that provide comparative perspectives, highlight innovative practices, or address underexplored aspects of social studies teacher education are especially welcome. Submissions from countries where “social studies” as a subject does not exist are also encouraged; we welcome contributions from educators and researchers involved in teacher education for related disciplines such as history, geography, religious education, citizenship, and other similar fields. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

 ● The integration of global citizenship education into teacher preparation   programs
 ● Approaches to fostering culturally responsive pedagogy in diverse   classroom settings
 ● The impact of social and political changes on the role of social studies   educators
 ● Cross-national studies on teacher education policies and practices
 ● Strategies for developing geocapability among teachers
 ● Professional development and support for teacher educators in social   studies

We invite scholars, practitioners, and policymakers to contribute to this special issue, which aims to advance the discourse on social studies teacher education in the context of dynamic social change. Submissions should adhere to the following guidelines:

 ● February 28th, 2025: Submit proposals for the manuscript – title,   abstract (300-500 words), and keywords (3-5).
 ● March 31st, 2025: Submitting full manuscripts (5000-8000 words).
 ● April 8th, 2025: First desk check and notification of results to authors.
    ○ If manuscripts pass the first desk check, they may be returned to       authors for revisions before peer review.
 ● May 25th, 2025: Manuscript reviews completed; feedback shared with   authors.
 ● June 15th, 2025: Deadline for authors to resubmit revised manuscripts.
    ○ Additional minor revisions may be requested between June 15th and      July 5th to ensure the manuscripts meet the final publication      standards.
 ● July 20th, 2025: Final editorial decision communicated to authors.

All submissions must use the designated JSSEA template and be formatted following APA 7th edition guidelines for the main text and references. Submissions not meeting these requirements will be returned for correction before proceeding with the review process.

All submissions will undergo a double-anonymized peer review process.

For further inquiries, please contact

We look forward to your contributions to this critical and timely dialogue on the future of social studies teacher education in Asia. Please consider submitting your work to our Special Issue. Your insights are crucial to advancing our understanding in this field.  



Adler, S. (2006). Critical issues in social studies teacher education. Information Publishing.

Martell, C. (2017). Introduction: Social Studies Teacher Education: Problems and Possibilities. In C. Martell (Ed.), Social studies teacher education: Critical issues and current perspectives (pp. 1-16). Information Publishing.

Sleeter, C. E. (2001). Preparing teachers for culturally diverse schools: Research and the overwhelming presence of Whiteness. Journal of Teacher Education, 52(2), 94-106.

Davies, L. (2006). Global citizenship: Abstraction or framework for action? Educational Review, 58(1), 5-25.

Office of ISSA

Department of Social Studies Education, Graduate School of Education Hiroshima University 1-1-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima,Hiroshima 739-8524, JAPAN
【TEL】 082-424-4670
【FAX】 082-424-5083