Instruction for authors

1. About the Journal

The Journal of Social Studies Education in Asia (JSSEA) is an international, peer reviewed journal, publishing high-quality, original research.

JSSEA consists of four parts:

  • *Articles: Papers based on original research, surveys, or practice in social studies education.
  • Reviews of Policy and Practice: Papers or short reports to introduce a country’s educational policy, curriculum, practice, and research project.
  • Book Reviews: Papers summarizing the critical review of publications and works of state contributors, and reports to introduce or review an academic journal related to social studies education in any Asian country/area.
  • Conference Reports: Papers to report on academic conferences or symposiums held by each ISSA membership organization.

* indicates peer-reviewed papers.

In addition to the above categories, the editorial board may propose special issues.

Please see “Aims and Scopes” for information about the focus of JSSEA.
JSSEA publishes manuscripts only in English. Articles must be written clearly and concisely and follow the guidelines.

Please note that at least ONE member of the ISSA membership organization must be included as an author. This rule applies only to articles.

2. Review Process

Editors peruse every manuscript submission, and only those deemed suitable for the journal will be considered for review.

The manuscript for Articles: These manuscripts will be sent to three peer reviewers, who are independent, anonymous expert referees. The editorial board will make the final decision to accept or reject a submitted manuscript.

The manuscript for Review of Policy and Practice, Book Review, and Conference Reports: Manuscripts in these categories will be checked by two suitable editorial board members, who will make the final decision whether to accept or reject the manuscript. In some cases, they may advise revising the manuscript.

3. Preparing your manuscript

i. Word limits

The word length for “Articles” is up to 8000 words, and that for “Reviews of Policy and Practice,” “Book Reviews” and “Conference Report” is 500 to 5000 words (excluding abstract, appendices, notes, reference list, and tables/charts).

ii. Formatting and template

Manuscripts must be prepared in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman, 11-point font, and double-spacing on A4 size paper. The templates for JSSEA can be downloaded from the homepage. Please use either American English spelling or British English spelling consistently throughout the manuscript. Word templates are available for this journal. Please save the template to your hard drive so that it is ready to use for:


Reviews of Policy and Practice and Conference Reports

Book Reviews

iii. Tables and Figures (including Lesson plans)

Tables and Figures must not be embedded in the text, but should be submitted as separate sheets or files. A short descriptive title should be provided for each table. Figures should be labeled. If the Figures and Tables include characters, the font size must be at least 8 points.

Please note that it is the author’s responsibility to obtain consent for publication, either from the publishing company of the book/journal or from the original authors of the work if tables or figures are reproduced from another book or journal.

iv. Reference style

All materials submitted for publication must follow the publication style of the American Psychological Association (7th ed., 2020).

All references mentioned in the body, tables, and figures must be listed in the references.

Titles of references published in languages other than English should be translated into English, or existing translations should be used if available. Otherwise, the title should be written in the original language (Romanized where needed). English translations may be given in parentheses, but this is optional.

Check list: before submitting

  • Submission of a paper that has been published or submitted for publication in a journal or a book in English or any other language is not allowed. Published/submitted articles written by contributors to this issue on a related subject should be sent along with the new article for review.
  • Any information that would identify the authors/contributors should be excluded from the body of the text. Citations of the author’s published work should be made in the third person (e.g.,“In an earlier work, Johnson (2015) investigated that…), not in the first person (e.g., “In an earlier work, I investigated that…).
  • Manuscripts written by a native English language speaker should be carefully proofed by an editor whose first language is English, before submission.

Submission of manuscripts

Please access the submission page and follow the instructions. Before submitting your paper, you will need to provide personal information.

you must fill in the following information
  • -name
  • -institutional affiliation
  • -email address
  • -shipping address
  • -the category of the manuscript
  • -title
  • -abstract (only for Articles)
  • -keywords (only for Articles)

Manuscript submission will be accepted at any time, but the deadline for submission of any Special Issue manuscript will be set separately.


Copyright clearance must be indicated by the contributor, whose responsibility it always is. Unless a specific agreement has been made, the accepted articles become the copyright of the journal.

Office of ISSA

Department of Social Studies Education, Graduate School of Education Hiroshima University 1-1-1, Kagamiyama, Higashi-Hiroshima,Hiroshima 739-8524, JAPAN
【TEL】 082-424-4670
【FAX】 082-424-5083